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Boundless possibilities exist beyond the door of your imagination.

About us

Meet Alan and Victoria, a vibrant Australian duo dancing into retirement with their creative passions leading the way. As baby boomers, we’re tickled pink to have most of our marbles intact, a spring in our step for travelling, and a daily dose of divine grace.

United, we’ve embarked on a whimsical journey to craft enchanting children’s stories. Combining Alan’s artistic finesse and Victoria’s writing and self-publishing prowess, we aim to create tales with a powerful message. Our darling grandchild, Abigail, ignited this passion. She’s an insatiable bookworm, always craving more stories but never straying far from her cherished favourites.

How lucky are we to split our time between the lush tropics of Queensland, Australia, and the awe-inspiring Costa Blanca in Spain? With our trusty gadgets in tow, we gather inspiration as we wander through Europe. Seriously, what did people do without the internet?

Navigating the digital world can be a tad befuddling for a couple of seasoned souls like us, but our techno-savvy sons swoop in to save the day, guiding us through the maze. We’ve dubbed ourselves KoskyKreative because, well, creativity is our jam, and the logo ruffles the kids’ feathers.

We’ve also sprinkled kids’ colouring books into our creative concoction because little Abby will soon need them. For now, she’s happily scribbling away with crayons.

So, come along and revel in the magic as we paint the world with our dreams during these golden years!